Wish List
Majestic Equine Connections, Inc.
.$200 monthly 3 elderly horse’s supplements.
$2,000 for hay for one year. As of Jan. 2025, hay increased to $6.00 per a bale.
$5, 500 annually for one therapy horse. This is includes hay, veterinarian care, Hoof/Farrier care, horse feed, and supplements to maintain horses. Recieved 1 Sponsorship , 2024! Need 3 sponsorships!
$65-$75 Helmets, Sizes: XS, S, M, L, XL
$70.00 1 pair of Adjustable Handle Reins, One size fits all, made specifically for persons with physical disabilities, www.freedomrider.com.
$5,000 or $10,000 as a tax-write off write a check to Majestic Equine Connections, Inc. 7460 Wooster Pike Rd. Seville, Ohio 44273).
A letter with our EIN # will be sent to you in the mail.
$315.00 Therapeutic Riding Surcingle triangle with square handle that comes with girth made specifically for persons with physical disabilities
Purchesed! Thank you! $1,500 Therapeutic Riding Saddle made specifically for persons with physical disabilities.
Please help us byDonating a horse trailer, a 4-wheeler to drag area, or a used mower.
Our goal for 2024-2025 is to raise $250,000 to build a modern barn, indoor and outdoor arenas, spacious parking which is accessible for people with disabilities in our community. We also need financial support for fencing.
Agriculture Facility - Recieved a $200,000 Grant for the Medina Co. Park District to build barn and indoor arena on Westfield Road in medina Ohio.
Break-Down of Majestic Equine Connections, Inc. financial Needs for new barn!
* 6-Stall Horse barn which includes 12 by 12 stalls, wash rack, organized adaptive tack room, hay loft, safe-electric & equine fans on each stall, and stall windows. $15,000
Includes the following: Dirt fill, indoor and outdoor arenas, two beautiful viewing rooms which are for training and family friendly, two bathrooms, and Safe fencing. $40,000
Thank you.
Partnership with Medina County Park District https://www.medinacountyparks.com, 2023
Partnership with The Ohio State University 4H - Majestic Horse Spin Club , 2023
Partnership with Medina Giving Place Foundation , 2024 Membership with Farmer’s Bureau 2024
Partnership with PATH International (Professional Horsemanship Therapeutic Horsemanship, 2024
Partnership with The Caring Corral https://thecaringcorral.com for scout badges, 2024
Member of Greater Medina Chamber of Commerce. 2024-2025
Member of Northern of Medina Chamber of Commerce. 2024-2025