Below is basic photo release form for our Bunny VisitsPhotos/Marketing Releases Release For: Majestic Equine Connections, Inc. I willingly accept photos/videos releases to be public for publicity purposes for Majestic Equine Connections, Inc. during participation in activities or on property for services. This may include but not limited to: Facebook, website, on news-television, magazine, instagram, display boards, Linkedin, audio/movie recordings, and/or any publicity purposes associated with Majestic Horse or Majestic Equine Connections, inc.. The purpose is for marketing the program and promotional reasons for grants, funding, enlisting new participants, and volunteers. * Yes, I agree No, I do not agree: (If you do not agree, please inform verbally as a reminder.) Minor Name (Under 18) If Appicable First Name Last Name Minor Name (Under 18) If Appicable First Name Last Name Minor Name (Under 18) If Appicable First Name Last Name Guardian/Participant Legal Signature - (By typing your name, you are authorizing this as your legal digital signature) * Date * MM DD YYYY Thank you!